Category Archives: Uncategorized

Hello world!

Here goes – welcome to my blog!

Cooking nightly meals for myself nightly, I often find myself wanting to share with others what I have put together in the kitchen. I’ve been thinking for over a year now that I’d love to start a blog to show others my cooking successes, fails and crazy experiments.

Since stumbling across Kath Eats in 2008 while looking for a healthy baked oatmeal recipe I’ve become a regular reader of many healthy living blogs, all written by overseas bloggers. As inspiring (and delicious) as all the recipes and posts are, it’s frustrating reading about foods that won’t be in season for another 6 months and products that we can’t get in NZ!

Hopefully I’ll post some delicious (and mostly healthful) food ideas on here and share a little bit about what I get up to aswell.

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